Friday, 15 August 2008

The Beast Of Nailsworth Mills

Today has proved to be an odd day! Glyn has had his gaze fixed on a tree all afternoon. A small crowd had gathered to witness the sight of a strange animal hitherto unknown to man. The desription was of a white animal with a huge black tail and large head!
The prospect of ridiculing Glyn was too much to resist for several people in the yard. The conclusion was swiftly drawn that he had inhaled a substance with similar properties to LSD causing halucinations on a grand scale!

I finally could not resist and so gazed upon the tree only to see a squirrel going about its normal business of gathering food. I immediately feared for the squirrels safety with this mythical beast lurking somewhere in the depths of the foliage! I now realise that the beast in question was actually the squirrel!

Despite photographic evidence being acquired, Glyn would still not beleive that this was an ordinary squirrel but the size of its head and tail, not to mention the colouration, gave the impression that this was evidence of some grotesque mutation currently afflicting the squirrel population.

I maintain that it was just a squirrel and here is the photograph as evidence of this fact!

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